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IWAC Meeting 2-10-15

February 10, 2014  1:30 – 3:30 PM
Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District
22510 E. Mission Avenue, Liberty Lake, WA 99019

Welcome & Introductions
Agenda Additions or Revisions
Approval of Meeting Minutes
Financial Report and 2015 Invoices

Old Business

New Business 

IWAC Member Workshop to discuss Executive Board meeting ideas sent on 1/14/15.
Possible Future meeting topics: 

  1. What would a Bi-State Solution Look Like? This is more of the legal side of what options are available to both states for formulation of a long term solution to water needs.  Invite attorneys Chris Meyer and Rick Eichstaedt to speak.
  2. Moving forward on an IWAC model. This would be a combination of the Spokane County Model and the new IWRRI Demand Study done in ARC GIS.  Previously, the membership determined that it was worthwhile to have a model that both states can use and share a common way of measuring.  Invite Mark Solomon from IWRRI to present the new study.
  3. Wastewater dischargers. We need to re-invite the major point source dischargers to the meetings and encourage their input and participation.  They have a different slant on the river, reuse, storm water, and where they are going in the future.
  4. Water Quality. Perhaps we should designate a member to be a liaison to the Toxic Taskforce group.
  5. Review IWAC Goals. Let’s take what we’ve learned and write down some thoughts that apply to meeting our goals.  Maybe we need to review and adjust our goals?

Possible Sub-Committees

  1.  Conservation sub-committee. Compile conservation ideas to implement into our service areas
  2. Water Modelling sub-committee. Provide the membership with ideas on funding and hosting an IWAC Model. Answer questions on what would the IWAC model look like and how would we use it?
  3. Public Awareness and Education Sub-Committee. Develop a public awareness of IWAC, who we are and what we’re planning to do.

 Updates Around the Table 

 Agenda for March 10, 2015

 Handouts: IWAC Meeting Minutes 1.13.2015 DRAFT.  IWAC Participation Invitation Letter 1.10.15

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