Irrigation and Landscape Guidelines Webinars
Webinar (33:15) Slides
Irrigation Efficiency
BiJay Adams, IWAC VP
Our Gem Speaker Series 6.3.2021

Webinar (10:36) Slides
Regional Efforts for Irrigation Efficiency
Terry Pickel, IWAC President
Spokane River Forum H20 Breakfast 3/31/21
Webinar (59:12) Cross Connection Control
Bill Bernier ,WA Department of Health Drinking Water
IESS-AWWA Service Truck Rodeo 2.24.21
Webinar (58:46) Slides
Irrigation and Landscape Design, Distribution Uniformity, SpokaneScape, Xeriscaping
Terry Pickel, IWAC President & BiJay Adams, IWAC VP
IESS-AWWA Service Truck Rodeo 2.24.21
Webinar (43:13) IWAC Videos, SAJB and Backflow Protection
Dan Kegley, IWAC Past President, BiJay Adams, VP & Tonilee Hanson, SAJB
IESS-AWWA Service Truck Rodeo 2/24/21
IWAC Technical Assistance Workshop: (4 hours)
Efficient Irrigation and Landscape Design
January 29, 2020
Xeriscaping – Jim Markley Retired City of CDA Water Dept.

IWAC Presentation (18:05)
Coeur d’Alene City Council
Terry Pickel, IWAC President and BiJay Adams, IWAC VP
October 1, 2019